Who We Are

Our Mission
Sustainable Saratoga is a not-for-profit organization that promotes sustainable practices and the protection of natural resources, through education, advocacy and action, for the benefit of current and future generations in the Saratoga Springs area.
Our Goals
To create a sustainable community that protects our natural resources, both local and global, while maintaining a strong local economy.
To promote smart land use and efficient urban planning practices that help protect the environment and result in lower costs for public services, health care, and energy.
To foster the mindset of reducing consumption and waste so that we can protect natural resources and foster economic self-sufficiency in the community.
To enhance understanding of our connectedness to our environment through immersion of children and families in nature and foster support for sustainable solutions to problems in our community.


Board of Directors


Our History
Since 2008, Sustainable Saratoga has been a leader in promoting awareness of environmental issues and what we as a local community can do to minimize our ecological impact while maintaining a high quality of life.
2008 – Sustainable Saratoga was formed by (then-Supervisor) Joanne Yepsen and the late Amy Stock, an environmental educator and writer, who hatched the idea together over a cup of coffee at Uncommon Grounds. Both had been involved in work on environmental issues in Saratoga and were seeking a way to bring together people and groups interested in creating an environmentally sustainable local community. Along with other volunteers, they developed a grassroots “task force” to educate and engage the community about issues of environmental and economic sustainability.
2011 – Sustainable Saratoga was awarded official 501(c)(3) charity status by the U.S. Treasury Department and undertook a reorganization process that would support greater action on sustainability issues.
2020 – Sustainable Saratoga named its first Executive Director, marking a new milestone in the growth of the organization.
Previous Chairpersons of Sustainable Saratoga:
Dianna Goodwin (chair, 2021-2023)
Laura Rappaport (co-chair 2021-2022)
Art Holmberg (chair, 2018-2020)
Harry Moran (chair, 2013-2017)
Rayna Caldwell (chair, 2012-2013)
Jim Zack (co-chair, 2011-2012)
Celeste Caruso (co-chair, 2010-2012)
Bill Sprengnether (co-chair, 2010-2011)
Amy Stock (chair, 2008-2010)
Original Task Force Executive Committee and Co-Chairs who were instrumental in establishing the organization include:
Task Force Chair – Amy Stock
Local Government Liaison – Supervisor Joanne Yepsen
Community Relations Liaison – Ruth Fein Wallens, Cathi Anne Cameron
Energy Efficiency and Resources – Jeff DeWeese and Celeste Caruso
Farming, Open Space, Natural Resources and Local Products – Casey Holzworth
Organizational Structure – Ray Patterson
Outreach, PR & Education – Bill Sprengnether and Dawn Dawson
Mobility & Transportation – Georgeanna Nugent Lussier and Doug Haller
Recycling, Waste and Composting – Steve Lefebvre
Local Economy – David Levesque and Jim Zack
Ready to learn more about our programs and projects? See our committee pages.