Together, We Made A Difference In 2023
Together we made a difference. Sustainable Saratoga fulfills an important role in our local community, and your support has never been more important to the success of our efforts. Please donate today to help us keep fighting for the protection of our environment and to carry out our mission in the
2023 City Council Candidate Survey: Find out where the local candidates stand on sustainability issues
Sustainable Saratoga is a not-for-profit organization that promotes sustainable practices and the protection of natural resources through education, advocacy and action, for the benefit of current and future generations in the Saratoga Springs area. The November 7, 2023 election offers an opportunity to raise and discuss
2023 Pollinator Palooza Native Plant Sale
Date/time: Sunday, June 4, 2023, 10am – 2pm
Location: Oligny Garden Center, 390 Wilton-Gansevoort Road, Gansevoort
Parking: Across the street at 393 Wilton-Gansevoort Road
Payment by cash or check preferred
Native plants for native pollinators
Every garden, no matter how small, has an important
Together, We Made A Difference In 2022
Together we made a difference. Sustainable Saratoga fulfills an important role in our local community, and your support has never been more important to the success of our efforts. Please donate today to help us keep fighting for the protection of our environment and to carry out our mission in the