Sustainable Saratoga and Pitney Meadows Community Farm are excited to announce a new community composting initiative. People can now bring their household food scraps to the drop-off location at Pitney Meadows.

Pitney Meadows will use the finished product as a soil amendment for its gardens. All you need is a kitchen container – preferably with a lid – to keep and transport your scraps to the farm. Drop off is during daylight hours only. Please note that the drop off will be closed during the winter due to lack of access in the snow. Click here to view or download a flyer with all of the details about this initiative.
When you drop off your compost, be sure to fill out the sheet so we can collect data on how many people are using this service.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- You can freeze your food scraps until you have enough to drop off
- You can use an old kitty litter bucket to collect and transport the scraps (we have a limited number of these available for you to take at the drop off location)
What are the benefits of composting?
- Reduce your household garbage
- Take up less landfill space
- Reduce methane (a potent greenhouse gas) production in landfills
- Help create fertile soils at Pitney Meadows Community Farm
Note: Click the map for a printable version