The NYSDEC has some great ideas for reducing waste, which they call PREcycling
Reduce when Shopping:
- Look for items without packaging – shop the bulk section, the produce aisle
- Bring your own reusable produce and bulk food bags to the store
- Bring your own shopping bags to every store you go to – not just the grocery store, but also to clothing stores, convenience stores, even home improvement stores.
- For packaged items:
- Look for concentrates
- Buy bigger sizes
- Look for reusable and refillable packaging
- Buy refillable milk and soda containers
Reduce at home:
- Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper ones
- Switch to a reusable razor
- Use washable plates instead of disposable
- Switch to rechargeable batteries
- Donate items that you no longer need to charities
- Think before you print and use both sides of the paper
- Get off unwanted mailing lists
Reduce on the go:
- Take a travel mug or water bottle
- Keep cloth shopping bags in your vehicle
- Use reusable leftover food containers, silverware, straws, etc when you go out to eat (keep a set in your car)
- Take reusable dinner items to picnics and other gatherings
Reduce with kids:
- Purchase reusable food pouches and containers
- Make your own baby food and store it in reusable baby food jars
- Replace juice boxes and bottled water with a reusable bottle
- Use an insulated lunch box instead of a disposable bag
- Consider cloth diapers – designs have improved a lot over the years. Learn more here.
- Consider bamboo diapers, which are biodegradable!