TREE TOGA 14: April 26, 2025

    Plant the next generation of trees in Saratoga Springs

Tree Toga 10 years 2014 - 2024

Grab your family, friends and colleagues, or come by yourself and make new friends. Join the fun with Sustainable Saratoga’s Urban Forestry Project for Tree Toga! Since 2014, we’ve planted a whopping 414 leafy giants all over Saratoga Springs. Mark your calendar – we plant in honor of Arbor Day, on the last Saturday in April.

Here’s how it works: Volunteers assemble to learn the art of bare-root tree planting, belt out our catchy planting anthem (check the video!), and say cheese for the group pic. Then, armed with the expert guidance of our Lead Planters, teams scatter citywide to transform the streets into a green paradise. By lunchtime, we’ve worked our planting magic, and it’s time to toast to success at a local pub.

TREE TOGA 2024 was a whopping success, with 190 volunteers helpting to plant 35 trees! Stay tuned for details about Tree Toga 2025.

You can still sign up to be a TREE CAREGIVER, to water and care for a young tree throughout the year.

We’re looking for TREE HOSTS for 2025!  Request a Tree Toga tree for your front yard. Now taking requests for Spring 2025.

Click on the name of a volunteer job below to sign up. 

Learn the Planting Song and come prepared to sing!

Download the lyrics

We are looking for front yards to plant trees in. Sign up now to get a free TREE TOGA tree!

Anyone who owns property in the City of Saratoga Springs can request a Tree Toga Tree. If we identify a good spot for a large growing shade tree near the street or in your front yard, out of the way of overhead utility wires, our volunteers will plant a tree during Tree Toga.  All you need to do is water it throughout its first few critical years and watch it grow and provide shade and many other benefits for years to come.

Landlords and business owners: this is a great way to improve the look and value of your property, and give the neighborhood all of the environmental and health benefits shade trees provide.

Click on the TREE HOST link above to submit your request.

Read about previous Tree Toga events